Call for book reviews

Review guidelines – JoSTrans

Review length

JoSTrans publishes critical reviews of academic books relevant to specialised translation. Reviews should be between 1500-2500 words, and offer a critical evaluation of the book, discussing its strengths and weaknesses, and its particular contribution to the field or particular subfield of specialised translation. Reviews should also contain a brief summary of the book, including its intended audience, objectives, methods and findings.

Invited book reviews will be solicited by our Reviews Editor, M. Rosario Martín Ruano, in accordance with editorial policy of the journal and must be approved in advance. In any event, JoSTrans welcomes suggestions for reviews that would be suitable for the journal. For enquiries or suggestions regarding book reviews, please contact the Reviews Editor at

● Reviews are to be submitted in electronic format (Word)
● File format: Use MS Word with extension *.docx.
● Margins, spacing and font: Please use the following standard values:
- margins (top, bottom, left and right): 2.5 cm,
- spacing: 1 (including endnotes and bibliography),
- font text: 12 pt Arial.

- Quotations are to be marked as follows:
"In science, the language is concept-centred; in technology, it is object- centred […]" (155).

Reviews should be submitted in English. If you are not writing in your native language, please have your text checked by a professional proofreader. Use British English spelling conventions.

For the January issue, we must have contributions by September 1st. For the July issue, we must have contributions by March 1st.

What to include

Place the following information at the top of your review, in this order: Author’s Name and Surname
Year of publication
Title of book to be reviewed Publisher
Place of publication Number of pages Price
ISBN or ISSN number


Boéri, Julie and Maier, Carol (eds) (2010). Compromiso social y traducción/interpretación. Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism. Granada (Spain): ECOS, Traductores e Intérpretes por la Solidaridad, pp. 389, £ 30/22.88 €. ISBN 978 8461317592.

- Place your name and the name of your institution at the bottom of your review, followed by your email as below.
Peter Skrandies
London School of Economics and Political Science